So Animus has been my pet project for a few years now. The bulk of the work on the started a few months ago when I found myself unexpectedly out of a job for the span of about a month and had nothing to do except hit it hard. Since then I've been working on it on and off, slowly refining the bits and pieces until now: a point at which I'm comfortable enough with it to share it with the public.
This is technically just the character creation document, but I've always felt that the parameters of a game can inform its genre as much as a setting description, perhaps even more-so. As it presently stands, consider this a primer on what is to come, a setting-free series of rules for others to use, and an inspiration to other GMs experiencing writer's block.
PS: A big thanks goes out to Mailanka (his excellent blog) and his ongoing Psi-Wars project, as it was a huge inspiration for me and something of a template for this one.
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