Thursday, November 23, 2017

[GURPS] Buying and Selling Calculator

Hey again,

Even before I began studying Economics in college, I always wanted my game-worlds to feel truly dynamic, and I always felt like a part of that ought to be the way things are bought and sold. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and concern over a lack of consistency, buying and selling in games frequently devolves into looking up a price in a book and saying "Hey GM, can I buy this?" And for some, that's enough. For those wanting a little more, I've developed the following spreadsheet to help calculate buy/sell prices quickly without being oversimplified.

This calculator follows the basic principles for supply and demand in ordinary circumstances. Necessaries like food and medicine can go for hundreds of times their value in desperate situations, but such things are more akin to extortion than salesmanship.

A brief little key:

Cost ($) - The cost in GURPS $ pulled from an appropriate source.
Reaction - The result from the NPC merchant's Reaction Roll. Use "Neutral" for retail scenarios.
Supply - The relative abundance of the traded good. Listed numbers can be matched with Price Modifiers (see GURPS Spaceships 2: Trade Liners and Transports, p. 37).
Negotiation Results - The Margin of Success (or Failure) of an opposed Merchant (or other appropriate skill) roll. Use "0" for retail scenarios.
Purchase Price - The amount the item costs to purchase.
Sell Price - The amount the item can be sold for to another merchant (who will, in turn, resell it for a profit).


[EDIT] For those having trouble with the above link, try this one instead:

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